Dennis Sweeney

Day 277 (College)

In Taipei on May 23, 2011 at 2:38 pm

Yesterday the class of 2011 graduated from Washington University in St. Louis. The ceremonies’ headliner was Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and human rights activist, who gave a speech with the title “Memory and Ethics.” The Friday was cloudy and cool at first, but over the course of the speeches the sun came out and graced graduates and onlookers alike, at least for a while. At the end of the ceremony, some former students threw their hats in exaltation. Others held on to them as keepsakes.

Today, the classless line either side of two desks arranged in the center of an apartment. They flip small paper cups that barely approximate Solo. Some are from the United States and do it with nonchalance and practice, despite the difference in the cups’ dimensions. Some are from Spain and England and are befuddled at first, though they soon perfect the technique. The floor is clean white tile and the living space is respectably sized. Near the end of the ceremony, a single cop arrives.

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